Applications (Greek Program, Not for ISP)
Click on the banner below to apply easily for the Greek Program. You can save your application as you complete it, without losing any data (If you are applying for the International Student Program (ISP), visit :
For the Jeffrey W. Baldwin scholarship program, click here.)
Application Process
Candidate students can fill up the application at any time and if accepted, they can attend classes from the beginning of either the winter or spring semester.
The cost of the registration application is €30. and is paid upon its submission. Candidate students should follow the instructions given on the application.

During this process, following relevant questions, candidate students must state:
- whether they are going to stay in the dormitories during their studies (intern) or not (non-intern)
- whether they wish to study in the one-year program or the three-year program
- whether they will be full or part-time students.
If they wish to be part-time students, then they cannot choose to stay in the dormitories.
After completing the application and submitting its individual sections, the College will inform candidate students about its progress.
The Greek Bible College only accepts the applications of adults. Applications made by candidates of up to 18 years of age must have a signed approval from a parent or a legal guardian.
All interns must have a health certificate and complete the relative forms supplied by the College Registrar.
Each candidate must responsibly affirm that he/she has embraced the Christian faith for a minimum of one year and must sign the College’s Statement of Faith.
Every candidate must give the names of three persons who are able to recommend him/her. It is preferable that at least one of them is a pastor, elder or minister who knows the candidate well and the other two who are called to verify the candidate’s Christian character must not be his/her relatives.
Every candidate must be a Lyceum graduate (or of an equivalent secondary education institution). Older candidates may be accepted by exception, without having graduated from a Lyceum, after approval by the Applications Committee.
Every candidate responsibly states that he/she knows the tuition cost and can cover it on the predetermined payment dates. In each case, he/she should officially provide a guarantor.